February 27, 2014

Snow Storms 2014

Georgia experienced TWO major snow storms this winter. OK, I realize that compared to some northern states, our precipitation was piddly but it was a huge deal for us. Our great city of Atlanta made national news as our usual gridlock traffic turned into a complete nightmare! Commuters spent the night in their cars on the side of the road, kids were stuck at school, and it took days to clean up the mess. It was a true disaster!

Via ABCNews
 The second time around, the counties and government took the predictions more seriously and our city shut down for a week.

And what was this nurse doing? Well, sleeping at the hospital for almost a week! When our hospital calls a "Code White", it's all hands on deck. We are expected to work our scheduled shifts, so if we can't drive there, we sleep there! Overall, I was very thankful to be sleeping in a warm bed (not in my car!) and that I did not have to drive in the mess.
...But it was a mentally and physically draining week for sure!

Thankfully, the husband was able to be home with our Sweet P and captured all of the photo evidence of her first snow!

Rowen checking out the Snow

P looks thrilled about being bundled
"I can't put my arms down!"

Mini Snowman

My little snow baby

Here are some videos of our little P in the snow! 

Peyton discovers she can EAT the snow:

Peyton goes sledding...on a cookie sheet:

Stay warm, friends!

February 26, 2014

Angie's Baby Shower

I had so much fun co-hosting a baby shower for a dear friend and DG sister!
We traveled to Nashville for the shower and really enjoyed visiting with friends we haven't seen in a while. It's neat to watch my friends become parents. I spent my college years with these ladies, and have many memories of mixers, late nights on Massey, Homecoming prep and long talks :)

To celebrate Baby Fox, we thought it most appropriate to go with a woodland theme. 

via Shutterfly

Sara's house is gorgeous already, but she put a lot of work into creating personal touches for the shower.

Erin ensured that we had some fun activities planned, including decorating some onesies so Baby Scarlett will have cute duds for her monthly photos ;)

It was a lot of fun to see my DG sisters with my own little legacy

What a great time we had celebrating our friend and the start of a new family.

Update: Miss Scarlett Elizabeth was born Feb 22-beautiful and healthy babe!


February 25, 2014

Unintended Leave

I didn't intend to step away from blogging for a month..seriously.

Life happened.

Road trips happened. Snow storms happened. Work definitely happened.

Things have been busy, to say the least. Although I typically view blogging as a hobby, it seemed more like a chore. As life took over, I decided to let the blog take a backseat.

I am back now...feeling refreshed and ready to recap the last month.
Lots has happened...so stay tuned! :)

 Words to live by