October 11, 2016

Eliza's Second Birthday {Lorax Party}

I had been thinking on this party theme for a while, and I loved how everything came together! Eliza loves "The Wowax" movie...and usually starts asking for it around 7:00am :)

We typically have our parties in the front yard/garage but I was hoping to host in the backyard this time. My neighbors convinced me that the unfinished basement was a good place to host-and I actually loved it!

We cleaned out one of the rooms and hung brown butcher paper, and I painted a mural resembling The Lorax scenery.
The husband made The Once-ler out of scrap wood- I think it was the best part!

We served:
-Humming Fish (in a fish bowl!)
-Truffula Fruits
-Barbaloot Snacks (teddy grahams and marshmallows)
-Truffula Treats (cupcakes resembled a Truffula forrest)

 Our birthday girl

 The kids had a great time playing in the sand "planting" Truffula trees, coloring, and making Lorax masks.

 I love these little Lorax-es ;)

 Yummo cupcakes!
I can't believe this stinker is TWO

 We love opening gifts at parties...kids like to see everything, and Eliza gets the chance to say thank-you!

 And of course-we had the TN-FL game on...and what a great end to a pretty awesome party.

 We had such a great time celebrating with all of our friends and family. Our little Bean is so blessed!

October 06, 2016

Eliza {Two Years}

HOW is our Bean already 2 years old? It seems like yesterday, I was waddling around trying to naturally induce labor...and here we are two years later!

 Two Years Old

Eating: Eliza is definitely a picky toddler, but we are slowly having success with more variety. She loves the usual kid food: PBJ, mac n cheese, cereal, cheese, fruit, hummus, and yogurt. Her favorites are fruit snacks and chewy bars. Lately, I've had luck with salad with dressing, black beans, ham roll-ups, and green beans!

Sleeping: Bean sleeps well from 7:30pm-7:00am and takes a 1-2 hour nap. She is starting to fight naptime on days her sister has school. I think it's because we get a late start to nap.

We filled Eliza's room with balloons during the night. She loved her birthday surprise!!

Skills: Eliza surprises us with her vocabulary-she communicates all of her needs well. She currently responds to the question "WHY" with the same answer: "Because I am that hero." (a line from a VeggieTales movie). She certainly keeps us laughing!
Eliza has great fine motor skills, and likes to color teeny tiny circles, or "ladybugs"

Happy Times: Our Boo loves iPad time, playing outside, baby dolls, dress up, playing chase, and "cooking". Her favorites are The Lorax, and Veggie Tales. She works hard to keep up with her sister.

Unhappy Times: Eliza has quite the temper, and lets her preferences be known!! She is still clingy to Momma, although the separation anxiety is improving a lot!

 "I got Wips"

At her last checkup, Eliza weighed 24 pounds. She wears 24 mo and 2T clothing.

For her birthday, we decided to take a trip to the pumpkin patch, Our Bean has been pretty fascinated with "Halloween" and she was in heaven with all the pumpkins! It was a beautiful day.

Hay Ride!!

Eliza loves animals, and had a great time feeding the goats!

Miss Eliza Cate,
YOU, my friend, are a handful. We have some very challenging days, but then you hug me and say "I luh you too Mommy" and it's all better. There will be a day when a hug from Momma doesn't make it all better. There will be a day when things are too quiet in the house because you're off to college. I am learning to cherish the crazy, loud house now! Eliza, you are a stubborn girl but can be very sensitive too. You have perfected 'sadness'. I hope your will remains strong!!
We love you :)

October Fitness Goal


Fall is upon us...I can feel it! I definitely have my favorite comfort foods for this time of year, so this month's fitness goal is perfect...

Savor Your Meals

Hey, I can do that!! The idea here is to slow down. It takes your brain 20 minutes to register that your belly is full, so take your time to avoid overeating!

According to this article, the benefits of slow eating include better digestion and hydration; easier weight loss; greater satisfaction with our meals.

Enjoy!! Slowly...