My transition to day shift has been effortless. I enjoy waking up at 5:30 AM (rather than PM), basking in the peace and quiet of my house, sipping on coffee, then heading to work. Yes, day shift is MUCH busier...more discharges, admissions, doctor rounds, procedures, phone calls, etc. but I find that I am actually awake and alert to complete these tasks. It's amazing how much I can accomplish when my mind is functioning at full capacity.
I love coming home in the evenings to spend some time with Ben and the furry kids, then going to NIGHT! Wow
Everyone has been so awesome on days-helping me deal with things I am not used to. I'm sure we will all grow closer as the weeks pass (and maybe after summer aka 'baby season' is over). But...I do miss my night shift peers a lot. It makes me so sad to think I won't be there to listen to the new drama unfolding in their lives. I am making a conscious effort to keep in touch with everyone.
My new plans for the new ME? Well...get back on track with WW of course! I have fallen off the wagon in a bad way, but the month of May was so crazy busy that I couldn't properly devote myself to anything. I now have more time to focus on eating better, and...exercising! YAY!
(Apologies for the rambling-I am so excited and my mind is racing)