January 09, 2013

Days Like Today

Today, I actually managed to eat breakfast while sitting down at the table. Then it went downhill from there. Or did it?

I showered, but didn't get to dry my hair. I didn't even attempt makeup. Pretty hot look for me, really.

I emptied the dishwasher, but dirty dishes remain piled in my sink...and all over the counter.

I tumbled clothes in the dryer. Three times. They never got folded.

My to-do list is long, and I keep adding things to it, yet not crossing things off.

What has occupied so much of my time today, you ask? What a silly question...

I rocked my baby to sleep today. It breaks every sleep-training rule I know. But today, I don't care. Today, I am going to ignore my dirty dishes, my crazy hair, my piles of laundry. I'm abandoning the to-do list. On days like today, I'm going to give my baby what she needs-me.
I'm doing it today...because tomorrow, she will be grown. I'm cherishing every moment of days like today.


January 06, 2013

Seven Months

She's 7 months old now ya'll...and things are changing DAILY! It's crazy how quickly she is learning and picking up new skills. 

7 months old
please excuse my editing...I wrote 2012! Oops
Eating: Peyton eats every four hours (ish), upon waking up from naps. She is enjoying sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, and avocado. We occasionally mix in some cereal to thicken. P also drinks water from a cup!

Sleeping: Wow, what a difference! Shortly before Christmas, Ben and I decided it was time for some 'self-soothing'. There were a lot of factors contributing to our decision, but I'm confident it was the right one. She figured it out after 3 nights...and has been sleeping through the night with no problems (...except the following...)

Teeth: We have 2 teeth coming in on the bottom! Peyton has been handling this ok. It's definitely interrupting her sleep, and making her a little more prone to fussiness...but who can blame her? 

Favorite Toys: Peyton got some awesome toys for Christmas, and she finds all of them quite entertaining! A new favorite-teething rings!

Skills: Our little P bug is sitting up now-and quite proficiently! This has certainly opened up a whole new world of play for us. She flips over and scoots around on her belly.
To be honest, I'm in no hurry for her to start crawling. She hasn't started signing anything yet, but I think she might be waving.

So proud of myself!

Happy Times: Now that Peyton can sit up, she loves just sitting and exploring new toys. She is happy most of the time doing anything!

Unhappy Times: Getting a diaper changed is just torture! Peyton has begun showing signs of separation anxiety...fun!

1-7 months

Stats: Peyton weighs 17 pounds and is 28 inches long. She is getting slimmer for sure. She is in 6-9 month and 12 month clothing.

Our sweet baby girl,
You have developed quite the personality! We enjoy watching you explore your world, talking to your toys, the animals and friends. This month has come with so many changes, and you are really growing up right in front of our eyes. We love you baby Magoo.
Mommy & Daddy