December 27, 2011

Christmas is Here!

I have a confession to make: I have not been feeling the Christmas spirit this year. I think the biggest bah-humbug was the looming fact that I had to work on Christmas Day. I am such a traditional holiday person, and I just couldn't excited about the big day knowing that I wouldn't be able to spend time with my family. I was off on Christmas Eve, but Ben had to work all in the time of year when we should be enjoying family and friends, we were at work. Seriously, bah-humbug. I managed to capture the happy times though : )
                         Decorating cookies on Christmas Eve with Christa- a 15 year tradition!

Wrapping gifts with animals around is nearly impossible!

Our tree on Christmas morning (at 4am before work!)

Feeling truly blessed

Love my sisters : )

And now, for the 15 week update:

15 week stats:

Size: Naval orange

New Developments: Moving joints and limbs-squirming away (apparently)

Symptoms: Heartburn!!!

What I'm looking forward to: A <slightly> bigger baby bump...still getting that "I wonder?" look. And with all this squirming, I'm ready to feel something (besides heartburn & gas..haha!)

                                            (Please excuse the scrubs)
                                             Me and my naval orange : )

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