January 13, 2012

18 Weeks

Things are becoming real as this baby bump grows! It's getting harder and harder to hide it. Our doctor appointment went great-I am measuring appropriately and we got to listen to a beautiful, strong heart again : )

18 Week Stats:

Size: Sweet potato

New Development: Yawning, hiccuping, sucking, swallowing...turning and kicking (yup!)

Symptoms: Back pain. I think the sore muscle is from before pregnancy, but between hormones, and my center of gravity beginning to shift-it hurts. I think it's time for a massage. Other than that, I wouldn't really even know I was pregnant...except for the kicking, the bump, and the fact that I still cannot eat chicken!

What I'm looking forward to: Our 20 week ultrasound. My Mom will be joining us, and I can't wait to see Junebug in action again-and get some new pictures! If everything is ok, this will be the last routine ultrasound I get. And...in case you are wondering- we are still staying strong and not finding out the gender!

                 Via The Bump

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