January 03, 2012

NYE 2011

New Year's Eve this year was very different for me. Often, I will stay home but spend time with friends cooking dinner and hanging out. Last year, I was working (night shift) so I rang in the new year with my coworkers and a New Year baby!

For 2011, my Mom practically begged me to go to a friend's party. Gulia is from Kazakhstan (where Maya is from) and we have been friends with her for years. We first met her when attending some Kazakh events to learn more about the culture. She throws great parties which resemble a UN meeting- Kazakhs, Russians, French, Indian, Americans, Chinese...you name it and most cultures are in attendance. There is a lot of laughing, stories in languages I don't understand, vodka, and MUSIC!

Disclaimer: Please excuse the pictures of me...I worked all day then went out. I had been up for about 20 hours straight when I snapped these!

                                                    Our beautiful hostess

Laurel and me

Maya and me (wow I look huge-my shirt was puffy)

Every kind of instrument you can (or can't!) imagine

2012 will certainly be a life changing year and I can't wait to see what it will bring!

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