April 03, 2012

30 Weeks

It's weird to think about being in the 30's of gestational weeks. We had a great checkup this morning at the doctor- I am measuring right on schedule and the heart rate is in the 150's. I received my test results from my 3-hour glucose tolerance test...good news! Although I don't have an official 'gestational diabetes' diagnosis, the doc said "It's clear that your pregnant body doesn't like carbs." So, I just need to be aware of my carb intake and try to reduce it, focusing on proteins. I have to admit...I am a carb LOVER! I did The South Beach Diet for about 8 weeks one time and thought I was dying. I can do this though-it's not completely cutting them out, just a reduction!

30 Week Stats:

Size: Cucumber (about 16 inches and 3 pounds)

New Development: Smoother baby skin (one of my favorite parts about babies!); Junebug is now strong enough to grasp a finger!

Symptoms: The heart palpitations have not resolved (even with no caffeine for 6 weeks!) so the doctor ordered a round of basic tests to make sure things were ok. If I am still having trouble at my next visit, I will see a cardiologist.
Oh...and these 'basic tests' required more blood-2 more venous sticks! That's 6 sticks in 4 days-I've had enough of that...

What I'm looking forward to: Although the nesting hasn't begun, I am still pretty excited about getting things put away in the nursery now that it's painted!

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