April 21, 2012

32 Weeks

I had a great check-up with the midwife this week! Junebug's heart rate was 151, I am measuring right on track, and the CNM could feel the little noggin in my pelvis! Woohoo...I sure hope s/he stays that way for the next 8 weeks!

32 Week Stats:

Size: Squash (about 17 inches and 4 pounds)

New Development: More developed immune system! Baby is head down, preparing for birth

Symptoms: Almost daily, a friend or coworker asks me how I am feeling. I can still say that, overall, I feel great! However, this week was a turning point for me: I am becoming a lot more uncomfortable, especially at night.

What I'm looking forward to: OK, selfish time: I want to be able to do normal, daily activities without being short of breath: walking up the stairs, making the bed, doing laundry, unloading the dishwasher, bending over!!!

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