April 29, 2012

33 Weeks

...better late than never :)

33 Week Stats:

Size: Honeydew (about 5 pounds and 18 inches)

New Development: Coordinating suck, swallow, breath- very important for good eating when bug is out in the world!

Symptoms: This heartburn is killing me! It's an old wives' tale that women who have a lot of heartburn during pregnancy have babies with a lot of hair. At this rate, I think Junebug will have an Afro!

What I'm looking forward to: Nesting....I'm almost ready I think ;)

This week, I thought it would be fun to leave you with a video of Junebug moving! (Probably best to view it in full screen)

April 25, 2012

April 22 Baby Shower

My baby shower last Sunday was wonderful! Junebug was spoiled by family and friends, and we certainly appreciate every person that came. My hostesses put in so much work to ensure that I had a great day-I love them.
(P.S. You may see some images of something resembling a beached whale-no worries, it's just me...)


With the invitation: such a sweet idea!!

Precious diaper cake

There was a very cool 'garden theme' to the shower-working off of our nickname for our little one-Junebug. The food was delicious, and Christa created a great music play list of some childhood favorites :)
We played some fun games, including tasting baby food (yuck!-glad I plan to make my own), measuring the belly, and the cotton ball scoop game. I had to apologize to my guests about that one-scooping cotton balls into a bowl (blindfolded) is hilarious to me, so it was purely for my entertainment :)

"Ewww" is how I feel about that

Makes me laugh every time :D

Maya with sweet Lyla

Babysitting practice!

The guests wrote their gender guess on a card!
For the record: Boy-13; Girl-8

Grandma Starr made us a beautiful quilt!
I can't wait to see the rest of the projects for the nursery!

I loved this book (instead of a card) idea-we got some great keepsakes!

No wardrobe is complete without a set of scrubs :)


AUNT Laurel

Aunt Audra-this lady is so special to me!

My MIL-ready to be a grandma again!

My BFF (15 years!)

My Mom and I really bring out the best in each other :)

I can't thank everyone enough for hosting and attending! Our little Junebug is so loved already and everyone is excited for him/her to arrive! The amount of support and love is overwhelming at times-it warms my heart!

April 21, 2012

32 Weeks

I had a great check-up with the midwife this week! Junebug's heart rate was 151, I am measuring right on track, and the CNM could feel the little noggin in my pelvis! Woohoo...I sure hope s/he stays that way for the next 8 weeks!

32 Week Stats:

Size: Squash (about 17 inches and 4 pounds)

New Development: More developed immune system! Baby is head down, preparing for birth

Symptoms: Almost daily, a friend or coworker asks me how I am feeling. I can still say that, overall, I feel great! However, this week was a turning point for me: I am becoming a lot more uncomfortable, especially at night.

What I'm looking forward to: OK, selfish time: I want to be able to do normal, daily activities without being short of breath: walking up the stairs, making the bed, doing laundry, unloading the dishwasher, bending over!!!

April 19, 2012

Garage Sale Finds

Let's face it: I am a very thrifty shopper. There are some things that I think are worth spending money on-things that are used daily and need to be of excellent quality. But when it comes to baby toys and clothes, I am all about the consignment stores and garage sales.
**Don't worry-I am very conscious about cleanliness and safety and would never purchase anything that could put my {future} child's health at risk**

Here are a few things that Ben and I found last weekend:

Bright Starts Activity Playmat
Store= $35
I paid $2

Drying Rack (for cloth diapers)
Store= $19
I paid $2

Changing Pad
I paid $3

Crane Humidifier
Store= $45
I paid $3

Rainforest Jumperoo (I actually registered for this exact one!)
Store= $110
I paid $20

Safety gates
Store= $16 each
I paid $3 for both

Rolling Garment Bag
I paid $5

Glider & Ottoman (Craigslist find)
Store= $175
I paid $80

WooHoo! Everything we bought was in perfect condition, like it had never even been used. Of course, the germaphobe in me will still be sanitizing and washing everything!

Total Savings= $385!!!

April 17, 2012

Breakfast on the go!

I love breakfast-it is probably my favorite meal of the day.
On work days, I leave my house around 6:30am....which means my alarm goes off at 5:30am. I promptly get up snooze for a while, then rush around to get ready! I need something quick for breakfast-something I can eat in the car, and something that will last until I sit down for the first time at work, usually around 10:30am.

I used to toast an english muffin each morning, microwave some eggs, and add cheese. These proved to be time consuming and messy. I thought-surely there is a way to pre-make all of these and just warm them up! I was too nervous to try-afraid I would end up with soggy muffins or cold eggs-yuck! Enter Pinterest.

I sprayed my muffin tins, and cooked the eggs on 350 for 15 minutes

While the eggs were cooking, I toasted my english muffins (in the oven) then added some shredded cheddar

The egg is perfect muffin size

After assembly, I put the whole baking sheet in my freezer for about an hour. This allows them to give off some moisture. (No condensation)

I then wrapped them individually in foil...DONE!

To reheat: (I found this works great-no soggy muffin or cold egg!)

-Remove muffin from foil and wrap in a paper towel. Defrost for 1min 30sec, then turn the muffin over and cook for 30 seconds.

What a great solution to breakfast on the go! (p.s.-I used light english muffins with low carbs-my doc would be so proud!)

April 16, 2012

My First Baby Shower

{In anticipation of my upcoming baby shower, I went looking for my post of my first one and realized I never wrote about it! Baby brain folks...}

March 24, 2012

I have been to a few baby showers, and hosted a handful of them. It's always so exciting to shower Moms-to-be with love (and goodies for the little one/s)! Experiencing a baby shower as the guest(s) of honor was surreal. I couldn't believe that it was my turn!

When creating the guest list, I thought it would be fun to have a more intimate gathering of close college friends and DG's-we only see each other at weddings (it seems) and don't really get to catch up! It was perfect.

Lovely Invites!

The color inspiration came from our wedding colors-green & orange :)

My bridesmaids carried these gerberas...and now they are on display at my baby shower!!!

DG Ladies! (Is there a future DG in there?)

Moby Wrap tutorial

Baby goes in here!

I loved the displays of "Junebug" everywhere!

Ben with the ladies

Future parents! (yikes)

We had such an awesome day spending time with friends! Thanks so much to my lovely hostesses Ashley & Angie!

April 15, 2012

31 Weeks

Whew, this has been a busy busy week!

31 Week Stats:

Size: Pineapple (ouch-sounds kind of 'pokey')-about 16 inches and 3 pounds

New Development: Major brain & nerve development; all 5 sense are in working order!

Symptoms: My blood tests (regarding the heart palpitations) came back with some interesting news- my thyroid hormone is low. I have had borderline levels for years now, but never low enough to take any meds for it. This could be the cause of the heart palps. Interesting...

What I'm looking forward to: Baby Shower next week!!!

April 11, 2012

Cloth Diapering....Say Whaaaat?

Welcome to my first of [I'm sure] many posts about cloth diapering. A little background:

Cloth diapering wouldn't have even been a thought on my mind if it wasn't for my BFF, Ashley, who cloth diapers her twins. She has talked me through the process thus far and answered my many questions regarding brands, wash routines, products, etc. The first time I visited M&P I had the chance to use cloth diapers and realized-I can do this! She has a great post about CD's (I have to get down with the lingo...) and promises to continue this series so we can all learn more about it!

Why? Yep, I have been asked this many times already! For me, it's mostly an economical reason. Babies and kids are expensive, and if I can cut down on some of these costs (i.e. by re-using something rather than throwing it away), I'm going to try!

Modern...I have used the term "modern cloth diaper" a LOT lately. This isn't the old days of folding, pinning, and rubber pants. Cloth diapers now come in a HUGE variety of options-with snaps, velcro, and cuuuute colors & patterns. It's overwhelming at times.

I got my first set of dipes in the mail yesterday. While I am the farthest thing from an expert at this, I did do a lot of research and read a lot of reviews regarding brand. To start off my "collection" I ordered a set of Kawaii Pure and Natural. These are a very reasonable price for coth diapers, and I wanted to start out small. I can't speak to how well they work because...I obviously haven't used them yet.

This set came with 24 diapers

This type is called a "pocket" diaper-there are inserts you stuff inside!

I have them snapped on the lowest setting.
These are designed to grow with the baby (6-22 lbs)

Although I haven't figured out a wash routine yet (I hear it's a trial & error), it's a pretty easy process-machine wash and machine dry (I plan to line dry).

Have I peaked your interest? Here are some websites I have found particularly helpful when sorting things through:
All About Cloth Diapers

Sweet Bottoms Baby (great reviews of products!)

Nickis Diapers

Wish us luck as we begin this cloth diaper journey!