May 15, 2012

36 Weeks

I went to the doctor yesterday (we are now going weekly-yikes!) and I am 1cm dilated and 30% effaced. The little head is still down and engaged in the pelvis! I'm happy with this progress because I hope it means that my body is progressing the way it should. Most of my coworkers don't think I will make it past 38 weeks. I would love to make it at least 39 weeks, but I would be happy just getting to June. I feel like I would not have accomplished my goal if I deliver before then, even if little bug is full term. We will see...

36 Week Stats:

Size: Honeydew (around 18.7 inches and 6 pounds)

New Development: Everything is pretty much in working order! At the hospital, we call babies who are born at 36 weeks "late preterm" -they need a little more attention but overall, healthy babies!

Symptoms: I am almost over it. Rowen follows me around *everywhere* just staring at me. I think she knows something I don't. I also discovered stretch marks on my belly this week. Bummer

What I'm looking forward to: Still a few loose ends, then ready for baby!

Wow-the belly is out of control

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