May 08, 2012

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Ben has put a lot of energy and time into our front flower beds this spring. I wish I could have helped more, but I'm not supposed to be playing in the dirt (chemicals and cow feces I guess...) and strenuous activities are a little limited for me these days. I did a lot of supervising and making sure the hubby stayed hydrated :)

Remember back in the fall when our beds were all overgrown and looking pitiful? This is what Ben did to improve them. Our spring plans were to remove bushes that blocked our home and add some color!

This tree has got to go!
(We did try to salvage it, but the roots were very deep)
WOW-a window was behind that tree!

We've added a row of Indian Hawthorne shrubs
(They mature to about 4ft tall and 3ft wide)

Next, Ben tackled the evergreens on either side of the front door.
"This thing was a beast"

Oh look! We have a front door!

(Left bed)
A row of Gazanias (annual)
Front row of Celosias (a FUN annual!)
Cluster of Daylily (3 on the left)
**We plan on getting a bench for the space between the Indian Hawthorne and the annuals!

We had some leftover so we planted them in the small bed next to the garage

A close-up of the Celosias-aren't they fun?!

Then, Ben removed the 4 large bushes blocking this window!

In the back: a row of Gardenias (Mature to 4ft tall)
In front: a row of Azaleas (Mature to 3 ft tall)
**Future plans: add a specimen tree to the corner of this bed, then line the front with monkey grass and additional color!

Ben also created a bed around our mailbox
We have clusters of Marigolds and Petunias
Back row of Silver Dust plants

Notice the orange & white checkerboard? ;)

Overall, the new shrubs and plants have a lot of maturing to do, so our beds still look a little bare, but I LOVE that I can actually see the front of my house right now!

When we moved in:

Fall Project: Reshape/clean beds and mulch

Spring Project: Remove bushes and add color!

I think Ben did a great job, and I can't wait to watch our little garden grow!


  1. It looks amazing Coyote! Ben did a great job :)

  2. I love what you two have done! Nice plant choices. Celosias are super hardy! And, we may have to copy your orange and white idea. :) BTW, Miracle Grow does wonders!

  3. Awesome job! Isn't it such a wonderful feeling to know that you can create your own cozy home???
