May 21, 2012

My Work Shower

My coworkers have been SO supportive and helpful during my pregnancy. When you spend so much time with the same people, they truly become family, and I don't know what I would do without my work family! They are all so excited for Junebug to arrive!

The ladies threw me a beautiful shower, and in addition to many individual gifts, they all contributed to a group gift- our Pack 'n Play, extra car seat base, plus a gift card with leftover money! WOW-Ben and I feel so blessed and loved!

Hostesses-Dawn & Kim

We had quite the food spread-I loved the cake!

This is what you get with a party at the hospital.
Notice the medicine cup scoop? I love it

Ben couldn't wait to try out our Baby Bjorn. Doesn't he look excited?
(that's a doll in there!)

Don't I have the best coworkers?! For anyone wondering, yes I plan to deliver at the hospital where I work, and no I don't think it will be awkward at all. I truly believe that my hospital provides the best care ever, and I wouldn't dream of going anywhere else. Plus, wouldn't you want to be surrounded by your family for such a huge life event?!

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