August 22, 2012

Peyton Goes Swimming!

Our little P Bug loves her bath so much that I have been dying to get her into a pool. We had to wait until she was at least 2 months old so she could better regulate her temperature. Then, I was concerned about all of the germs in our neighborhood pool. So, we asked my Mom's neighbor if we could use their backyard pool.

Got my bathing suit on (yes...those are anchors!)

"What is going on Daddy?"

This is ok...

We went in the late afternoon, hoping that the water temperature would be warmer. However, with lots of rain and a few days of 80 degree weather, the water was a little cooler than I liked. Peyton did great-but she was pretty indifferent. She didn't splash around like she does in the bathtub, but she didn't cry...until Daddy got her head wet :(

Cold, Wet, and Ready to be done!

Feeling better in my cover up :)

The worst part about the whole thing is that I had to wear a bathing suit! Yikes!
We are really hoping to get Peyton into swim lessons this year-The YMCA starts them at 6 months. I think she will love them! 

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