November 05, 2012

Halloween 2012

Maybe it's the cooler weather, or the costumes & candy; Maybe it's decorating the house...but Ben and I LOVE Halloween!

This year, we decided to give out full-size candy bars, and they were definitely a hit! Because we live in such a large neighborhood with lots of kids, we like to keep a tally of our trick-or-treaters, so we can always be prepared! 
Grand Total...117!

We Ben spent a lot of time decorating the outside of the house, then high winds spent about 30 minutes undoing everything he did. Oh well...we managed to get a few pictures!
(All of this was a lot creepier at night!)

Our Graveyard!

Ghostly Trees
 Yum! (& Fruit snacks for little ones)

Ben and I dressed up as Leonard and Penny from The Big Bang Theory! Peyton was dressed as a ladybug. They didn't have any 'Junebug' costumes, so we thought this was appropriate!

My First Halloween!

We really had a great night passing out candy and socializing with the neighbors!



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