February 02, 2013

On the Road Again

Last weekend, we went to St. Petersburg, FL for a family wedding. It was our first big road trip with Peyton, so I was quite nervous about the drive! 


When she wasn't sleeping, she was entertaining herself (for the most part!). She became a little fussy the last couple of hours on our way back, but I think we were all ready to get out of the car!


My little bookworm

When we arrived on Friday, we met with family for dinner at a great beach bar Caddy's.
It was the perfect opportunity to stick our toes in the {cold} sand and snap some great photos at sunset!

On Saturday morning, we headed out to Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo to take advantage of the gorgeous Florida weather!
Peyton was somewhat interested in the animals, but really just enjoyed being out and about.

She loved the spider monkeys!

Orangutan hiding under his paper :) 

We decided that giraffes were the most awkward animal of all

It was an awesome zoo with tons of kid-friendly exhibits! I highly recommend it if you're ever in the Tampa/St. Pete area.

The wedding was Saturday afternoon, and it was only 3 blocks from our hotel, so we decided to walk so that Miss P could spend some time in the Moby and maybe nap.

 Some major Moby 'bed-head'
Such a beautiful moment as Cynthia had her kids walk her down the aisle :)

It was a quick weekend packed full of events, but we had lots of fun! As always, Peyton was a trooper and went with the flow. It made me realize that we actually can go on road trips with a baby...with a little fine tuning!

{Upcoming post: top tips for traveling with an infant}


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