April 06, 2013

Ten Months

It's hard to believe I have a ten month old. My little baby is quickly becoming a toddler...this Mama is not ready for that!

10 months old
Please excuse my photos...lighting was terrible that morning!

Eating: My little bug LOVES to eat! Pureed foods are about to become a thing of the past as Peyton enjoys finger foods the most! You name it, she will eat it. I'm still trying to introduce new food groups slowly to monitor possible allergies, but she typically eats whatever we are eating! Favorite go-to foods: cheese quesadilla, grilled cheese, peas & carrots, banana, chicken bits, yogis, puffs, and waffles! I have dropped an afternoon nursing session, so she nurses 3 times a day now.

Sleeping: No changes in her schedule! (Although Peyton is starting to wake earlier and earlier...?). We start our day around 7:00am, nap 10:00-11:30 and 2:30-4, then bed around 7pm. I can really tell that P feels secure when we are on schedule...she knows what to expect and that her needs are being met!

  Teeth: Still just two on the bottom. It certainly doesn't stop her from eating though...she just gums everything! :)

Favorite Toys: Miss P has rediscovered her Fisher Price Activity Table since we put the legs on it! From her overflowing toy box, she typically chooses the Kleenex box, dish towel, and bottle of lotion... Why do we even buy toys?!

Skills: Peyton's fine motor skills are still on track, and she has begun to pull up (with some assistance). She can easily stand while holding on and is beginning to cruise...slowly. She says "hi" and calls everything "cat" and LOVES to nod.
It's clear that P can now follow simple directions (as in-"Leave the dog dish alone").

"No ma'am, leave that sign alone"

Happy Times: P loves to practice her new standing skill! She is slowly becoming a little more independent and I am really hoping this clingy phase is almost over! <Fingers crossed> This kiddo still absolutely LOVES the water, and we just moved her to a big girl bathtub!
We have started to introduce a little more TV time and she loves The Baby Channel.

Unhappy Times: When P gets 'scolded' she usually shows her attitude, then gets her feelings hurt (see above picture!). This last month was very difficult for our family as we just couldn't shake this respiratory infection...so I think everyone was a little needy and on edge :)

Months 1-10

Stats: Peyton still weighs 18 pounds. Our pediatrician assured us that this plateau in weight is normal and that she might only gain 2-3 pounds in the next YEAR! 
Still in 9 and 12 mo clothing.

My sweet girl,
You have officially been here for longer than you were in my belly...that's a hard reality to face because I still think of you as my tiny newborn! There are days when I long for that newborn time again-when all you did was sleep-but I have so enjoyed watching you grow and develop. You certainly keep your Daddy and me entertained as your sense of humor is beginning to emerge. You are becoming a goofy girl, and we love it!
 Mama and Daddy


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