May 06, 2013

Blogging Challenge: Days 4 & 5

Our Blog Every Day in May challenge continues! It's not too late to join...go here for the topics.

Day 4: Favorite quote and why you love it

"Were there none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach anything better" 
~Florence Nightingale

I love quotes...they remind me how powerful words are. SO much can be 'said' in so few words. I actually started a quote journal in high school where I jot down my favorite.
I love these words by Florence Nightingale for 2 reasons:
1. It's Flo...the woman who changed the way we view nurses.
2. It's a never be completely content with what we have so we can always better ourselves and the world.

Day 5: Publicly profess your love and devotion for a blogger friend.

Easy peasy... It's no secret that I love Ashley at This Cup Overflows. Ashley and I were sorority sisters and college roomies and we have been best friends ever since. She is such a sweet friend and sister, and always makes time for me. I love this girl.

Early days together

 All grown up!


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