May 30, 2013

Letting Go {Blogging Challenge Day 30}

On the home stretch, folks. I have almost completed the challenge!

Day 30: React to this term: Letting Go

I need to...let go.
I beat myself up about not being perfect. Which is silly. Nobody is perfect, and I don't really strive to be perfect, honestly. But every time I fail at something-anything-I am pretty bummed out. I stress myself out over trying to do it all; when I inevitably do not do it all, I feel like I have failed.

So, I need to let go. 
Let go of the fact that I might not have a clean house all the time. 
Let go of the fact that dinner might not be homemade every night-a frozen lasagna is ok.
Let go and allow myself some 'me' time-it's not selfish to sit down and read during nap time (instead of cleaning the house).

Just....let it go!


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