May 02, 2013

These Days...

We seem to have a lot going on right now, yet nothing I can quite put my finger on. On my days off, I feel like I am in constant motion-busy, busy, busy. But at the end of the day, I look around at my house and wonder "What did I do all day?!"
Ever had one of those days?

~Perhaps it's the anticipation of events coming up (Mother's Day, Anniversary, P's birthday, other family birthdays...) but my mind is buzzing all.the.time.

Then I saw this one day, and felt thankful that I wasn't alone! AMEN!

~Peyton is certainly keeping me busy, but I love this stage so I wouldn't change a thing about it. We have a monthly update coming soon!

She's in to everything

 ~My Mom's dog, Suri, is (hopefully) expecting her first litter of pups in early June. We have an ultrasound on Saturday to confirm pregnancy! My Mom has become incredibly involved in her new home-based kennel and Suri has made her proud in the Conformation Show Ring :) 

Although I've had a lot on my mind, my thoughts are about to spring into action in the next few weeks. I'm trying to enjoy quiet time when I can, and not become too obsessed with the cleanliness of my house

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