June 11, 2013

12 Months

Well, it's happened. My sweet baby girl is one year old. Everyone told me how quickly time passes, but I never realized just how quickly until we arrived at this milestone. One. As in...a whole year. I'll try to hold it together, but I can't promise anything...

12 months old

Eating: My kiddo still eats anything and everything I put on her tray. She certainly has her preferences for certain things, but shovels everything she can in her mouth. P eats 3 meals a day with 1-2 snacks. She still nurses every morning, but we are weaning off bedtime feeds. I am so excited that I was able to breastfeed for an entire year-especially as a working Mom!

Sleeping: Well, thank goodness Peyton's sleep regression was temporary! Because her bedroom faces the west, the afternoon sun is pretty bright in there! We have blackout shades, but added another layer of curtains-and problem solved! My little P is back to 2 naps a day, and sleeps from 7:30p-7:00a!

 Teeth: Little miss has 4 teeth-two on bottom & two on top. The pediatrician noticed swollen gums on top and in the back (yikes!).

Favorite Toys: Peyton adores pushing buttons (mine and on toys...). She received a lot of fun toys for her birthday and our house sounds like the toy aisle at Target! P still loves her books, and has begun choosing her favorites. Other favorites include: the dog water bowl, the pantry spice rack, the refrigerator, and she LOVES her beach ball :)

Skills: Nope, still not walking on her own, but it doesn't keep her from getting where she wants to be. She uses a push walker, and cruises or crawls everywhere else. Part of me is very much ready for her to walk, because it would definitely make outdoor time a lot more fun! I'm not a fan of her crawling on the concrete and grass. 
P talks all the time: Dada, Hi, Yaya (Maya), Ball, Uh-Oh, Up, Ella (her neighbor friend), kitty, duck, eye. Grandma G taught her how to identify the letter 'A' and how to say it! 

Happy Times: I still have a pretty easy going baby! She loves pool time, walks in the stroller, and walking (with help) around the house. She has become pretty independent and enjoys exploring the house! We have started letting her watch a little more TV, and she loves BabyFirst- VocabuLarry, Find the Acorn and The Notekins. I sing those songs all day long.

Unhappy Times: The usual...being scolded, getting clothes changed, sitting still in the grocery cart. 

Months 1-12

 Stats: My sweet girl is 29.7 inches (75%) and 19lbs, 2 oz (<25%). She's long and lean...no squeezable thighs here! Wearing 12 and some 18 mo clothing.

 I can't believe we are already celebrating your first birthday! All week, I have been thinking about our life one year ago...where we ate lunch and counted contractions, when my water broke, waking Daddy up to go to the hospital, starting to push, and being so surprised by the arrival of a sweet GIRL!
Nostalgia has set in for sure, and it's hard to deny I am a little sad. I don't exactly miss you being a newborn, but I can't believe how quickly things have happened! I'm scared I am going to blink and you'll be off to school, driving, then getting married. 
This past year has been one of the most rewarding and most challenging. We have learned so much from you; our lives have been enriched. It's amazing how much things have changed, yet I can't remember life before you were here. 
Peyton, we hope you remain as curious as you are now-taking in every detail of your environment. Please help us to be excellent teachers along the way because we all still have so much to learn.
We love you big girl,
Mama and Dada



  1. Love this post! Such a pretty little lady :)

  2. She is adorable! I loved reading your blogs throughout the year. It is pretty cool that you are still BFing. :)
