May 07, 2014

Bean Bumpdate: 20 Weeks

Yikes! We are halfway there and I haven't even begun to prepare for this kiddo. Time to get moving!

20 Weeks:

What's New: Sweet baby kicks. I found out I have an anterior placenta (meaning the placenta is situated on the front of my uterus) so it's harder to feel movement. It's been discouraging, but things have turned around this week and I can feel Bean movin & shakin!
Ben got to feel a kick too!

What's Old: Lots of...umm, pressure. Like this kid is ready to come out already. My doc assured me it's normal and there's no need to worry.

Baby: Size of a banana (10.2 oz and 6.5 inches). Working taste buds and gulping amniotic fluid...yum!

Belly: Growing! I can still fit into a lot of my pre-pregnancy clothes (with some help from the BeBand).
   Craving: Cooler Ranch Doritos (so healthy, right?)

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