May 01, 2014

We're Not in Kansas Anymore

Although spring is my favorite time of year, the bad weather that often comes along absolutely terrifies me!

As winter is leaving and summer is around the corner, it's the mix of cool & warm air that makes for magnificent temperatures. And magnificent storms.

Really, I'm ok with the occasional thunderstorm. They can be beautiful.
...Waking every hour during the night to check for tornado warnings is not my idea of beautiful.

As we think about the lives and homes lost recently in Arkansas (and everywhere around the country!) let's take the opportunity to prepare our own home for bad weather.

We all know the basics...low level of house, interior room, away from windows. But I learned quite a bit from reading a few articles about home preparedness and safety tips. Take a could save a life!

Here is a government website with a great checklist for home prep, and what to do before, during, and after a tornado. The American Red Cross is always an excellent source of info.
And if you think you know everything about tornadoes, check out this website regarding tornado myth busters.

 Be safe y'all.

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