August 27, 2014

Bean Bumpdate: 36 Weeks

Yikes! This milestone is a huge reality is around the corner!

36 Weeks:

What's New: Getting checked + weekly appointments. At my checkup today, I learned that Bean's head has already engaged in the pelvis. Cervix is about a fingertip dilated, but things are definitely starting to happen! Although I still feel great, I am starting to wear down a bit.

I think I would agree that the head has dropped!
(35 weeks and 36 weeks)

What's Old: Hip pain...I guess from a noggin sitting in my pelvis! This pain has become increasingly difficult to deal with at night.

Baby: Around 6 pounds and 19 inches long- the size of a honeydew melon! All systems are in working order, so technically, Bean could make his/her appearance any day now.

Gender: No idea...seriously. HR 140's today at the doctor!

Belly: Out. of. Control.

Cravings: Dealing with a major sweet tooth this week...cookies, cakes, name it!

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