September 05, 2014

Bean: Boy or Girl?

Towards the end of my pregnancy with Peyton, I had a lot of fun reading all of the Old Wives' Tales about guessing baby's gender. I dedicated a blog post to all the methods, and what my results revealed!
For the record...Of the 10 methods I tried, 7 of them pointed to girl, but I was still convinced there was a boy in there!

Let's see what the Old Wives' Tales say this time around....

1. The Highs & Lows- Belly: If you are carrying high-it's a girl; Low-it's a boy! Almost everyone has commented how differently I am carrying this time around. It seems to be a big ball, all in front and low. Looks like Team Blue for this one.

2. Heart Rate- A heart rate of 140 or above= girl; Below 140= boy. This is a tricky one because Bean's heart rate is usually 140...right in the middle. At my last appointment, Ben got a peek at the doppler and it was ranging 137-142. So I'm going Team Blue for this one too.

3. Sweet and Sour- If you are craving sweet stuff, it's a girl. If your cravings are for salty and sour, it's a boy. Although I've had a major sweet tooth lately, I would say overall my cravings have been for salt...and sour (hello, lemon!!) so it's looking like Team Blue again!

4. Chinese Birth Chart- An ancient birth chart that uses mother's age & month of conception. Well, I think technically we would have to say Team Pink for this one!

 5Drano Test- This one is a little strange... Pee in a cup and mix in 1 Tbsp of Drano. Watch for color change. Green=girl; Blue= Boy. I may have cheated a little bit and just poured some Drano in the turned kind of blue, so Team Blue.


6. Even & Odd- This one comes from the Mayans. We look at mother's age at conception, and year of conception. If both are even or odd, it's a girl; If one is even and one is odd, it's a boy. Technically, this one says Team Blue.

 7. The Key- Place a key in front of the Momma-to-be. If she picks it up by the narrow part-girl. If she picks it up by the round part, that's boy. That's Team Blue this time!

8. Skin- If you are breaking out like crazy, the tale says to blame it on a girl-she "steals" her mother's beauty. My skin didn't give me much trouble at all during this pregnancy (especially compared to last time)...guess we will say Team Blue again!

9. Wedding Ring- Tie your wedding ring to a string and hang it over your belly. If it swings back and forth, it's a girl. If it swings in a circle, it's a boy. Team Girl it is.

10. Morning Sickness- If you had/have a lot of nausea during pregnancy, signs point to a girl. Little or no nausea=boy. I am so fortunate for very little nausea during both of my pregnancies... so Team Blue for this one, too!

Wow, that's 8/10 for Team Blue...totally opposite from my first pregnancy. We will find out very soon :) 

So, what do I think this time around? Honestly, I have no idea! Most of my family and friends are confident that it's a boy, so I think they have convinced me of the same. However, I can't imagine our life with a baby boy in it...but that's because we are so immersed in GIRL WORLD!


  1. Friend, I love you. And I love bean. I don't really care what bean is, but I am SO excited for another one to cuddle and love.

  2. Buuuuuut for the record, I still say team blue ;o)

    1. I love you, friend! What an exciting time in our lives, right?! :)
