September 12, 2014

Bean Bumpdate: 38 Weeks

I'm really trying to be patient and cherish these last days/weeks(?) of pregnancy! I've also committed to spending lots of one on one time with Peyton as I know those days are numbered.

38 Weeks:

What's New: Absolutely nothing. Do I sound sarcastic and impatient? I'm really trying, y'all...and I still feel good overall, but I would love to be making some progress. After a particularly busy night at work, I just knew things would have moved along a bit. I learned today at the doctor that I'm still 1cm and about 40% effaced. This kiddo is laaaaazy.

What's Old: Just the usual discomforts of pregnancy...I can't wait to lay on my back again :)

Baby: About 20 inches and 7 pounds; About the size of a pumpkin (how appropriate!). In these last weeks, Bean will be packing on pounds and working on that neuro system.

Gender: HR was high 140's today. I just have no idea what to think! Here's my gender predictor post in case you missed it!

Belly: Large and in charge.

Cravings: Savory and fresh :)

Heading off to work!

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