October 15, 2014

Small Victories

It's 9:30am...

-I am showered and dressed
-Peyton is dressed
-Eliza is dressed (and asleep!)
-I made a healthy breakfast this morning
-Laundry is in the washing machine
-Dishes are clean

My house needs to be vacuumed, mopped, dusted...well, a really good deep clean. There is kid and baby STUFF all over the house. Things are not perfect...but it's these small victories of my morning that make me confident in my ability as a parent to 2 children.

Rather than worry about keeping up with everything, I am enjoying my day-to-day with my precious girls and my small victories.


  1. I only have one at home with me and still don't always get a shower, so you are doing great!!

    1. Oh girl I hear ya...it definitely doesn't happen every day :0
