November 14, 2014

Five on Friday

After a summer break for the Five on Friday ladies, and a maternity break for me, I am back at it!
I love Five on Friday because it gives me a chance to reflect on my week/upcoming weekend and think about what I'm thankful for and excited about!

{ONE} It's Friday. 
Duh. Before going on maternity leave, Fridays didn't mean much to me. As a nurse, I work weird days and hours, to include weekends at times. Since I don't work a typical work-week, Friday is just another day. Now that I'm home every day while the husband is away at work, I realllly look forward to Fridays, and a break from solo parenting for a couple of days :)


{TWO} Northern Parentals.
I am super excited for a visit from our northern family! They will be here for an entire week, which still won't be enough time to catch up and visit! We will take advantage of every visit, long or short, until they decide to move down here.

Feeling nostalgic with this throwback photo...I love this lady!

{THREE}  Fall Art.
One of the perks of being on maternity leave + having a toddler at home is the fun fall art we have created this season. Hand turkeys and leaf rubbings are where it's at y'all!

{FOUR} Mild weather.
We are taking advantage of every mild (read: warm) weather day we have left! Going outside is a must for my active toddler. I'm pretty sure parents rake leaves for the sole purpose of kids jumping into the pile. I know P sure loved it!

{FIVE} Good Neighbors.
I knew I had awesome neighbors, but it's become even more apparent since Eliza's arrival. They have cooked meals, provided childcare, and most of all...provided company. It's not easy to leave the house with a toddler and newborn in tow, so being able to throw on some sweats and take a short walk to visit a neighbor is super important!

Peyton and her BFF, Ella rocking on the porch!

Enjoy your weekend, friends! And be sure to link up :)

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