January 29, 2016

Friday Faves

This week's lovelies...

PediaCare Gentle Vapors. When you've been dealing with illness for years weeks, this little plug in unit is a lifesaver. No humidifiers to empty and clean- just a plug in with a little vapor pad. This thing is strong and truly helps the baby sleep better when she's all congested.

NuMe Wand. I've been considering a curling wand, but definitely didn't want to pay the premium! Thanks to IG, I got this one for $36 (regularly $139) SCORE!!! Now who wants to show me how to use this thing?
Daddy Boot Camp. Some fun new things on the horizon for the husband. And no...it's not what you're thinking. Stay tuned!

New Hair. My appointment is next week and I can't wait! I still have no clue what I'm going to do but I'm ready for a big change! Perhaps a little more red? I love this color and these waves.

 Storage Unit. Ben and his Dad built an awesome storage unit for our playroom. I am in love with it! There's hanging space for dress up clothes, and tons of areas for bins and other toys.

What are your faves today?

January 26, 2016

Currently {January Edition}

Hey y'all! I'm joining in on a fun new monthly series: "Currently". I love checking in with bloggers to see what they are 'currently' doing!


Realizing: My kiddos are growing up way too fast. I've been flipping through some old photos and I can't believe how quickly time flies. It's bittersweet for sure!

 These were taken exactly one year apart. WOW!
Watching: American Idol! Yes, I'm still a fan and I'm so sad this is the last season. The judge panel is finally the perfect mix of people and I will miss their antics.

Meeting: My January fitness goal of drinking more water! I hope you are too :)

Drinking: Delicious shakes packed with awesome nutrients that are actually helping me lose weight. Whaaaaat?! I love it!

Creating: Baby books for the girls. I've been slacking in this department but I want to capture every detail before they are off to college!

What are you currently realizing, watching, meeting, drinking, and creating?

January 25, 2016

Snow Day

We got a very light dusting of snow in North Georgia, but for a 3-year old it was a "snow storm!"
Unfortunately, I've been battling a sinus infection for a few days, but the husband (with his Michigan roots!) took Peyton out to play in it.

 Bundled and ready to play

Snowball Fight!!!

And snow angels

But her favorite? Always....eating the snow

OK, now that we've had our "snow day", I'm ready for spring!
Stay warm friends

January 22, 2016

Friday Faves

What I'm loving today!

New Microwave. Our old one had been on the fritz and when the repairs cost more than a new one, we decided it was time. We went with stainless steel and I just love it!

She's a beaut!

Sister Love. There are a few moments a day when these two get along and show love. Mickey Mouse doesn't hurt the situation.

New Blog. One of my buddies is starting out on her blogging journey. I love her post "Why Diets Don't Work"- This woman speaks the truth y'all!

Broccoli Recipe. I found a new recipe for broccoli and YUM! It's perfectly roasted in the oven with the most important ingredients-garlic and cheese!

PSA. Get your lady bits checked out everyone! I know we're getting a little personal here, but preventative care is so important. Schedule those check-ups y'all!!

Happy Friday!

January 20, 2016

January Fitness Goal

Jan Goal

We all know that it's difficult to get into a routine of being healthy. One of my goals for 2016 is to be more mindful of my health and fitness. Obviously this goal is not exactly measurable, so I decided to find a better way! Thankfully eHow has already put it out there for me!
I love how this article breaks things down into manageable sections-by month!

So...the fitness goal for January: Drink More Water!

1. How Much? Many factors affect your water requirements but on average men need 13 cups of fluid and women need 9 cups daily (per The Institute of Medicine).
-Consider other factors like weather conditions, exercise, illness, pregnancy, and breastfeeding!

2. What Counts? Foods like fruit and vegetables can offer the body trace amounts of water while caffeinated beverages can cause dehydration. The best bet? Good ole H2O!

 3. How To?  (Drink enough)
  • Buy a pretty water bottle-preferably one that keeps up with your measurements!
(Check out this DIY version!)

  • Use a straw
  • Add fresh fruit or cucumbers
  • Chug it! A nurse practitioner I work with says it's best to drink several ounces at once-like a "bolus" of water
Enjoy :)

January 18, 2016

The 5 Things I've Learned as a Mom of Two


Becoming a parent for the first time comes with a fair share of lessons: How do I sleep train? When do I start solids? POTTY TRAINING?!

Being a parent to 2 children comes with a completely different set of lessons. Life lessons. Here's what I learned in my first year as a mother to two:

1. Let it Go. With one child, it's still possible to keep a clean house, plan healthy meals, and enjoy a little down time. Add a second child and it's just not feasible. There's no use in struggling to do it all either. So just embrace the mess!

2. This Too Shall Pass. Teething/Sick/Fussy baby that wakes up every. hour. of. the. night. Clingy baby that will not let you put her down. Toddler that suddenly refuses to eat anything.
These things can send a first time parent over the edge! But know that it is just a phase and will be over soon. You have lived through it once before and you can do it again!

3. Do Your Best. Stop agonizing over every decision you make for your child. Some choices will be right and some will be wrong. Very wrong. Accept it, learn from it, and move on. Parenting is not easy but you're doing the best you can!

4. Cherish the Moments. Everyone tells you "they grow so fast" and you know it, but it's still hard to really appreciate it. Probably because you're worried about keeping up with the house, stressing over baby's newest phase or agonizing over the parenting decisions you've made! Take some time out and enjoy your children! Play with them.

5. Take Care of Yourself. How easy it is to lose yourself in all of the wonders of parenthood. Find your identity in something besides being a parent. Take some time out for you- a hobby, a pedicure, go to the gym. If you don't take care of yourself first, you cannot give your best to your family.

January 15, 2016

Our Christmas 2015

We had a wonderful Christmas this year! The whole season was magical to both kids, and we enjoyed several outings throughout the month.

So thankful that our Michigan family was here when we got our Christmas tree. Weren't they surprised by our 70 degree weather!

Our Santa visit went quite well!

On Christmas morning, we woke at 4:00am. Yup. That's a childhood tradition of the husband's. The good thing about waking up so early is a 3 hour family nap!

That's some Rapunzel hair!

And no 2015 Christmas is complete without a game of Pie Face!

I hope your Christmas season was filled with joy!

January 13, 2016

The Golden Anniversary

This August, my {truly} Great Aunt and Uncle will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary! As we are way overdue for a family reunion anyway, we decided it was a great opportunity to get together and throw them a party.
One of my favorite stories from my Aunt and Uncle was from their first year of marriage. During that year, they put all of their savings in a piggy bank and with the $100 saved, they took a vacation to Dauphin Island, AL. This hidden beach community has always held a dear place in their hearts and after vacationing there for many years, they decided to invest in a second home.
Naturally, it is the location of our upcoming soiree to celebrate this amazing couple!

And since I love any reason to throw a party, I am diving in head first. I have been busy collecting ideas for a casual, beach GOLDEN anniversary!

Golden Anniversary

This will be a step out of my comfort zone (as it is not a holiday or a kid's birthday party!) but I know it will be so much fun. I can't wait to celebrate them!