January 20, 2016

January Fitness Goal

Jan Goal

We all know that it's difficult to get into a routine of being healthy. One of my goals for 2016 is to be more mindful of my health and fitness. Obviously this goal is not exactly measurable, so I decided to find a better way! Thankfully eHow has already put it out there for me!
I love how this article breaks things down into manageable sections-by month!

So...the fitness goal for January: Drink More Water!

1. How Much? Many factors affect your water requirements but on average men need 13 cups of fluid and women need 9 cups daily (per The Institute of Medicine).
-Consider other factors like weather conditions, exercise, illness, pregnancy, and breastfeeding!

2. What Counts? Foods like fruit and vegetables can offer the body trace amounts of water while caffeinated beverages can cause dehydration. The best bet? Good ole H2O!

 3. How To?  (Drink enough)
  • Buy a pretty water bottle-preferably one that keeps up with your measurements!
(Check out this DIY version!)

  • Use a straw
  • Add fresh fruit or cucumbers
  • Chug it! A nurse practitioner I work with says it's best to drink several ounces at once-like a "bolus" of water
Enjoy :)

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