October 12, 2010

It's Pizza Night!

Last night was a great "pizza night", due mostly to Monday night football (Sidenote: I needed Percy Harvin to get me 6 points for Fantasy and he ended up with a huge 28 points! What a night!)
Pizza was also a great option because I didn't feel like cooking. However, I didn't want to spend the money on delivery and I am tired of frozen...so I decided we would make our own!

I was at Target, perusing the Halloween decor, and decided I should do some grocery shopping while I was there. I love Super Target.

Anyway, for pizza:
Whole wheat crust and "traditional" pizza sauce
I like just enough sauce- some delivery places put waaay too much!

I had Mozzarella cheese, but then saw a "Pizza Blend" so I opted for that


And Pepperoni! 

More Cheese!

Yes, I like to cook in my PJ's-way more comfy

The finished product! The orange cheese throws me off but it was tasty!
Of course, on our UT plates with a side salad!
Ben's response? "I can honestly say this is the best homemade pizza I have ever had" 
Yay! Maybe next time I will try to make the crust myself!

Pizza, Beer, and Football on Monday night= success!
Mustang loves watching football!

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