December 03, 2010

I Loathe Shopping

It's sad, I know...I hate shopping. I don't really know why. Maybe it's that I really don't like to spend money. I'm not cheap, but I am frugal. And it bothers how much stuff costs. Take curtains, for example. I bought some curtains for our bedroom recently at Bed, Bath & Beyond. Nothing special-just some fabric with a nice hem sewn in-basic. $50 for ONE panel. Really? Why? I am now starting to regret that I never had an interest in sewing when I was younger. Maybe I should learn. With that being said...Day 2 of my "12 Days of Christmas"

Day 2: Shopping Tricks
Am I even qualified to write about this? Well, I do a lot of my shopping online. I like Overstock, Amazon, and Ebay. I have recently discovered Amazon's trade in account. I sent in old school books and video games to Amazon to receive a credit to my account. A total of $200 so far! LOVE IT. Online shopping is great because I can shop for the best price from my comfy home.
 I do enjoy going to the mall during the holiday season...maybe once. The Christmas music, decor, and hustle & bustle of it all is super exciting. Walking from one end of the mall to the other with bags so heavy that my fingers are losing feeling. Yep, it's all part of the experience. Happy Shopping folks!

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