January 01, 2011

For Auld Lang Syne

I'm actually kind of sad to say goodbye to 2010. It has been an amazing year, and will be difficult to top.

I passed boards and became a Registered Nurse!

I started work as a mother/baby nurse
(ok-old pic...but I realized I don't take pictures of me in scrubs very often!)

Lots and lots of wedding planning!
Kept me VERY busy!

Attended my bridal showers
Love my friends & family

We found our "married couple" house

We got MARRIED!!!
What an amazing day

Went on our "mini-moon staycation"
The Varsity for our wedding night dinner : )
We went on our real Honeymoon
Snorkeling in Grand Cayman
Hosted lots of parties at our place!

Watched my hubby graduate from KSU

Had a wonderful Holiday season

I feel incredibly blessed to have experienced all of this in only one year! I hope 2011 will bring just as many exciting things. I have a few wishes for the New Year:

-Get in shape. blah blah blah- I know. It's everyone's New Year Resolution. I don't know what it is about marriage that made me lose my waistline. But I need to find it!

-Begin saving for a down payment on a house. I hope that by this time next year, we will be on our way to buying our first home!

-Maybe get a dog. If Ben is reading this, he is super excited. They are expensive, and a lot of work...I just hope that life becomes a little more calm to be able to commit to a new family member.

-Look into going back to school. I have been toying with this idea for a few months, but it's time to start putting things in order and looking at my options.

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne!

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