March 12, 2011

Fitness Friday

Well, I finally broke down and joined Weight Watchers online. A friend at work was telling me about the new Points Plus program, and after 2 weeks of trying to stick to the old Points program, I just had to check it out!
The Verdict? LOVE it. I payed for 3 months of online access, which was about $50. After that, I will only pay $17.95 monthly. So worth it!

The old program counted Calories, Fiber, and Fat to make up points. 
The new program counts Fat, Carbs, Fiber, and Protein to make up points plus.

It's a much healthier way of eating, and SO easy to follow. The online system comes with lots of tools for tracking, plus great recipes and food ideas. 
I joined almost 2 weeks ago, and I have lost 3 pounds so far. I don't feel deprived at all. I read an article this morning about losing weight slowly, and how much healthier it is. The program is designed for you to adapt a new lifestyle and a new relationship with food. There is never a "dieting" phase.

I am so excited to continue to see weight come off!

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