April 19, 2011

Meet the Furmans: Part IV

Hello! I am 'Sandspur's Maiden Voyage on High Seas' but you can call me Rowen : ) 
I was originally brought home to be a conformation show dog, but an eye defect kept me out of the ring. After spending much of my puppyhood in the Cariota house, I came to live with Andrea & Ben. We are still working on calling them 'Mom & Dad'.

Work: I have completed Level I Obedience training and I can sit, stay, heel, down, and COME- this is the most important one I have discovered. If I don't obey this one, I get put back on the leash. I will begin Level II obedience this week, then I get to compete against other dogs. Most common words I know: walk, park, eat, leash, shoes, outside, potty, big potty, Jack, nap, night night and mat. 

Hobbies: My favorite thing to do is go to the dog park...but I couldn't care less about the other dogs- I am just so excited all of those people came to pet me and give me attention. My adoring fans : )
I love going on walks and meeting new friends in the neighborhood. Although I am technically a golden retriever, I don't 'retrieve' or 'fetch' or whatever else you may call it. If you want the ball, go get it yourself. Why did you throw it in the first place?

TV: I love watching The Animal Planet...and I can't miss the annual Puppy Bowl! I like to watch dog shows too-someday you might see my cousin: 'Goldruls Let's Get Suri-Yes' or Suri for short. She's a young pup but has already taken home some blue ribbons.

Family: I live here at home with Andrea & Ben (er...Mom & Dad) and the squeaky toy named Mustang. I just love going over to my old house to visit my brother and litter mate, Jack and to teach Suri the ways of the world. I like it here and think I will stay ; )

April 17, 2011

Budget Friendly

Ben and I have always payed attention to how much money we spend and where it goes. He has a monthly spreadsheet with categories for everything. Over the past (almost!) year, we have been able to track our purchases and evaluate our spending. However, it hasn't really helped us save a lot. For instance, just by tracking how much we spend on dining out is not going to help us budget.
So...we have implemented the envelopes system! Basically, we set a budget and put cash into envelopes for each category. When the cash is out, it's out. We have only begun this month, so I will have to post an update later to let you know how it's working for us. I know we will have to revise many times until it works, but basically our system goes like this:

Envelope Categories:
- Personal Care (clothing, hair cuts, WW, etc)
-Home Improvement
-Entertainment/Dining Out
-FUN Money (separately)

We have a budget goal for groceries, but decided not to make that an actual category because it's hard to budget what you spend on groceries, and it's always going to be cheaper than going out to eat!

What is not included in the envelopes: Monthly bills (rent, utilities, insurance, car, cell phones, cable, etc.). These are items that you can't alter the cost of from month to month.

Right now, we are working on a bi-weekly system: we put cash in every 2 weeks for the month. We will see how this works...we might move to a monthly system. I have a small accordian wallet (about the length of an envelope) where we keep all of our coupons, gift cards, and cash envelopes. 

Sorry for the boring post, but maybe it can be useful to some! I sure hope it helps us save some money for a home purchase!

April 16, 2011

Meet the Furmans: Part III

Me as a baby. Precious, I know
I'm Mustang! I am originally from a little town outside of Knoxville, TN (Good 'Ole Rocky Top) but I like living in Alpharetta with Mommy & Daddy. I am a blue persian (but really that means grey) so I have a lot of hair and need to go to the beauty salon often.

Work: I have no formal education, but I know it all. I am an expert in training humans.

Hobbies: I just adore my Mommy and love to cuddle with her. Most of the days I spend sleeping in various strange positions so everyone will think I am super cute. I like playing with plastic mice (some kind of strange herbal aroma in them...?) and the red shiny dot that appears on the walls sometimes-that thing is quick so you better be ready.

TV: I like Tennessee football. 

Family: Well, we were perfectly happy with just the 3 of us until the dog came to stay. She drools, she sheds, and she chases me all over the house. Whatever, she's just jealous.

April 15, 2011

Fitness Friday

I need this in a refrigerator magnet
to deal with my junk food cravings!
Another slow week...and I am feeling a little discouraged. ( I really should have posted last week when I lost 1lb!) I talked to my BFF this week (who is also on WW, and familiar with the old program) and she really helped me out. She reminded me that by counting fat, carbs, protein, and fiber (but not calories), the weight loss will be slower but will actually stay off.

"But it will all add up in the end and you will be more likely to keep it off. And the changes will be so minimal that at the end you have completely altered your way of eating and can really stick to it"
Thanks CLC- I needed that, and continue to refer to your inspiring text!

April 14, 2011

Meet the Furmans: Part II

Hi, I'm Ben! I also live in Alpharetta because I like living with my wife (sometimes). I am originally from Michigan, but I like the weather here better.

Work: I have my Bachelor's degree in History...and yes, I plan to teach one day. Since being a college professor requires a lot of school, it will be a few more years (or more...) until I reach my final goal. To pay the bills, I work as the Clubhouse Operations Manager at a country club close to my house. I enjoy management, and the club provides the kind of environment I need to keep me interested! I have submitted my application packet to grad school for the fall-keep your fingers crossed!

Hobbies: I spend at least 3 nights a week alone since Andi works night shift and I usually play Black Ops and eat frozen pizza....sad, I know. (Yes I am looking forward to my wife's move to day shift too!) Really, though- I like that Xbox Live allows me to hang out (virtually) with my brother who lives a few miles away and my other brother who lives in Phoenix. 
I also spend a lot of time working with Rowen on her obedience training. She begins Level II in a week and will be competing soon! 
I am still in the beginner level of playing guitar, but loving it so far.

TV: I could probably watch Family Guy all day, but I like Top Shot and just about every movie made. 

Family: My family is scattered all over the country- Dad & Stepmom, brother & niece, grandparents, aunts & uncles in Michigan. Another brother, sister-in-law and niece in Phoenix and my Mom, Stepdad, brother and sister-in law here in Alpharetta. Hmmm...I hope my job allows me to travel a lot.

April 07, 2011

Meet the Furmans: Part I

Ben suggested I write a few posts about our family: About Us! So here it goes...

Hi, I'm Andrea-blogger of 'Happily Ever After'. I live in a suburb north of Atlanta and have been here in Alpharetta for 14 years. I love my little (growing) town and really can't imagine living anywhere else. In our house hunt, we are looking within 10-15 miles of Alpharetta. 

Work: I have my Bachelor's of Science in Nursing and I am a Mother/Baby RN at a hospital very close to my house (I just love the commute!). Right now, I work from 7pm-7am three nights per week. As I have mentioned in many prior posts, working nights definitely puts a lot of strain on my life. I can't wait to move to a day shift position (hopefully by the end of May). 
I have finally figured out exactly what I want to do as a Nurse Practitioner, but I don't think it exists. : / My dream job would be to work as an NP in an OB office, where I see women prenatally and postpartum, as well as perform well-baby check-ups on newborns up to 6-8 weeks old. I could work during the week and have every weekend & holiday OFF! I love working with this population, and am searching for a way to do this as a Nurse Practitioner.

Hobbies: Ha! Who really has time for that with the schedule I keep?! On my days off, I enjoy spending time at the dog park with Rowen (more on her later). I have come to enjoy spending time in my kitchen and trying out new recipes. And I spend a lot of time cleaning up after, um...the rest of the family. Honestly, I cherish just being able to spend an evening at home with Ben watching Netflix movies! I love to travel and wish I had the funds to do it more often.

TV: Shows I always have on my DVR: Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, American Idol and Modern Family. Tosh.O cracks me up and I love reruns of The First 48 and Law & Order: SVU.

My Family: I was an only child for 16 years until Maya came home from Kazakhstan at 10 months old. This was such a dream for me to be a big sister and I embrace it fully. In 2007, we welcomed home Laurel from China at 3 1/2 and now, I am blessed to have 2 little sisters who mean the world to me! I enjoy spending time with my parents and sisters.

April 04, 2011

Spring in Tennessee

I had a great time visiting friends in Chattanooga/Nashville this weekend!
At 15 weeks, Ashley sure is starting to 'bloom'! I guess that's what happens with twins! Isn't she beautiful-just glowing!

I had a blast co-hosting Angie's first bridal shower! I think the couple enjoyed the Mexican and margaritas and we couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather on Sunday!

The DG's at the shower:

Our Mexican mustaches. And please excuse how ridiculous I look.I could not stop laughing.


With our bride

 Please, Angie...you look like you've never eaten a cookie in your life ; )