April 16, 2011

Meet the Furmans: Part III

Me as a baby. Precious, I know
I'm Mustang! I am originally from a little town outside of Knoxville, TN (Good 'Ole Rocky Top) but I like living in Alpharetta with Mommy & Daddy. I am a blue persian (but really that means grey) so I have a lot of hair and need to go to the beauty salon often.

Work: I have no formal education, but I know it all. I am an expert in training humans.

Hobbies: I just adore my Mommy and love to cuddle with her. Most of the days I spend sleeping in various strange positions so everyone will think I am super cute. I like playing with plastic mice (some kind of strange herbal aroma in them...?) and the red shiny dot that appears on the walls sometimes-that thing is quick so you better be ready.

TV: I like Tennessee football. 

Family: Well, we were perfectly happy with just the 3 of us until the dog came to stay. She drools, she sheds, and she chases me all over the house. Whatever, she's just jealous.

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