September 17, 2011

Birthday Fun

I woke up on the morning of my birthday determined to follow Ben's instructions to "relax, and NO CLEANING!" But after my 2 cups of coffee, I got a little stir crazy and decided it would be a great idea to work on packing the house! Needless to say, when the hubby got home at 11am and most of our office was in boxes, he was a little irritated, although impressed with my progress. I think I would have been miserable sitting around staring at empty boxes-I'm much happier when I'm productive!
We planned a dinner at La Parilla with close friends and family. I had a great time celebrating with these folks. I also had the honor of sharing a birthday with Rowen! (and her brother Jack). After dinner, we moved the party to our house to celebrate with the four-legged kiddos.

Laurel made me a "bouquet" of flowers-'nilla wafers with peanut butter, dipped in chocolate and decorated. She put them in a "vase" of jelly beans. So creative!

Sister & Brother-in-Law (and future niece/nephew!)

Ugh, these people and gorgeous olive-toned skin. I look ghostly!

                              BFF's Dad and sister-I have grown up with these people!
First picture!

My birthday cake with the pumpkin vine  Happy 25!

My wish came true!

Jack & Rowen's cake: ground beef layered with mashed potatoes. : )

They loved it!

Playing with their new toy!

We have celebrated so many birthdays together!

He did such a great job coordinating it all!

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