I have found that Ben and I can't do just one thing at a time. It's not our busy, hectic life that we love unless we have multiple things going on at once. In the past few weeks, we closed on our house, bought appliances, MOVED, went out of town twice, played hostess to our out of town family, and stood beside Ken & Amanda as they tied the knot. Whew!
Let's start from the top!
On September 21, we got up early to make some more progress in packing up the house before heading to the attorney's office. Fast-forward to 11am, and we were proud new owners of a home!
Here is the tricky part: Our closing was delayed about a week due to an unfortunate tax error made by our CPA. We had lots of help lined up the week before, but here we were on a Wednesday with only 2 days off together. Ben looked at me and said, "Honey, we are going to have to move by ourselves".
I would have never imagined the type of strength I had in me: moving dressers, beds, mattresses, couches, entertainment centers...up and down stairs!
We collapsed into a makeshift bed and got up early on Thursday to do it again! We moved the entire contents of a 3 bedroom townhouse in a little over 24 hours.
We used our front sitting room as a staging area...this was a few days before closing.
I guess we did have some help
Our sitting room on moving day!
Ready to load!
Bye house (trip 1 of 3)
Rowen is "checking things out" in the new house
New washer & dryer!
And yes, we are still married : )