November 13, 2011

A 5th Grade Dream

Christa and I recently had the opportunity to live out a dream we have had since the 5th grade!
OK, it sounds crazy...but we all remember the band Hanson, right? Yes, the ones with that hit single MmmBop. Well, Christa and I were completely obsessed with these boys when we were 10. We knew every word to every song and aspired to someday marry our favorite Hanson brother. We kept up with them throughout the years, but just never had the chance to go to a concert.

Well... for Christa's birthday in July, I called David (Christa's fiancee) to let him know that our beloved boys were coming to Atlanta. David offered to buy the tickets if I would accompany his wife-to-be. We had to wait a WHOLE 3 months, but the timing couldn't have been better. Just about a week before her wedding, it was the perfect night for us to unwind and get some perspective, and have the chance to live out our childhood dream, reminding us of our early beginnings and why we are still BFF :)

We were shocked to see the line for general admission stretching around the building!

We couldn't believe they were right there!

My favorite brother

We were feeling quite nostalgic

We couldn't believe the crowd (from the 3rd row!)

...and the moment we have been waiting for:

Fun Fact: These brothers have produced 13 albums and sold over 15 million records worldwide. They are all married with children.

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