December 07, 2011

Week 13

The bump has appeared and I am gaining some of my energy back. My biggest challenge lately is working 2 days in a row (basically 26 hours packed in!) and trying to be productive on my next day off. Usually my day off involves a lot of napping and relaxing, and Ben has been amazing through it all! On his day off, he spent it cleaning the house so that I could relax and not worry about a thing. Wow!

13 Week Stats:

Size: Peach
New Developments: S/he is forming vocal cords and teeth! Junebug also has fingerprints
Symptoms: Slightly more energy, unless I am working a lot. I am beginning to enjoy some of my favorite foods again without being completely disgusted. The headaches have started, though.
What I'm looking forward to: Feeling Junebug move! I worry every day about his/her health (are you ok in there?) and I think my mind would be at ease if I could feel a little nudge every now and then. I will probably have to wait another 3+ weeks for that.

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