January 23, 2012

20 Weeks!

"Ohhh...we're halfway there.."- Yes, Bon Jovi's 'Livin' on a Prayer' has been on repeat in my head all day. Our ultrasound this morning went GREAT! My Mom was able to come and enjoy seeing Junebug in action, and to hear that sound I love so much-160's my friends and strong!
The ultrasound tech looked at all the parts and we got some great pictures. She even managed a glance at Junebug's gender without any of us knowing! Sneaky :)

20 Week Stats:

Size: Cantaloupe (Ultrasound tech measured 3/4 lb)

New Development: Gulping ounces of amniotic fluid daily-and What To Expect tells me that the taste of the amniotic fluid differs depending on what I eat. Also, babies who are exposed to certain tastes in utero are more eager to eat foods with that taste after birth. Guess I need to lay off the bacon and eat more broccoli!

Symptoms: I'm feeling pretty good these days, although I feel like I resemble a whale :)
Junebug has become super active this week, and in addition to the general movement I feel, I have begun to experience what I call "Lightning Strikes"- a quick jab of the arm or leg (I guess) that totally surprises me.

What I'm looking forward to: We have been trying all week to catch the right moment when Ben can feel Junebug move, but the 'lightning strikes" are so infrequent and usually catch me by surprise. We will have to wait until little bug gets bigger and can really pack a punch (yay...)!

1 comment:

  1. I am totally seeing Ben's profile in that picture! Congrats Coyote, y'all are gonna be awesome parents!
