Ashley and I were able to get some quality visiting time in, and I hit her up for advice on all things baby-related. It was interesting to see how she manages outings with multiples (including the inevitable questions from strangers-"Oh! Are they twins?" and "How sweet...a boy and a girl-you can be done now" and my favorite-"Are they identical?"). Some unique challenges we faced included a monsoon, waiting for 20+ minutes to use a handicap fitting room, and how to hunt for bargains with a fussy infant.
I really don't know how she does it all (and remains sane), but she has promised to share all of her secrets on her blog- This Cup Overflows. I am especially excited to read her advice on cloth diapering as we have been considering this option!
OK, I know you came for the pictures...
Sweet Paisley Grace
Mac is quite the flirt!
Happy baby-and lots of personality!
Time for breakfast!
Junebug loved the visit too! S/he was very active the whole time and even kicked Mac when I was holding him. Jealous? haha