February 03, 2012

21 Weeks

OK, it's February...which means only 4 months from now, it's baby time! Scared, excited, anxious, hopeful...all of the things I am feeling!

21 Week Stats:

Size: Banana

New Development: Manufacturing meconium-the first poo! Beginning to perceive light from inside. (So, why all the activity at night?)

Symptoms: Still feeling really good in general. Junebug has been so active and getting a lot stronger! Ben has felt him/her, as well as Ashley in Chattanooga, and another Ashley at work! It's one of the most amazing feelings, and I already think I will miss it when Junebug arrives. Without divulging too much...I will just say that my body has been preparing for feeding! 

What I'm looking forward to: Now that we are over halfway there, I'm ready to put all of my nursery plans into action. I have everything 'in the hopper' so to speak, and it's time to get moving!

Finally giving in...here's a belly shot


  1. Aww yay! So cool to feel the baby kick, glad I got the opportunity. :). Can't wait to see the nursery!

  2. aww! I love that I'm the Ashley you mentioned who got to feel sweet Junebug kick! Because s/he for real kicked my son :o) and what do you mean your body is getting ready for feeding?? Please explain...
