March 30, 2012

29 Weeks

Well, I completed my 3-hour glucose test today-it certainly wasn't the most pleasant experience. I'm not sure which was worse- the 4 venous sticks or the 3 hours of waiting in the office lobby in between. At least I got some reading done :)

29 Week Stats:

Size: Acorn Squash (around 16 inches and 3 pounds)

New Development: Brain is taking on characteristic grooves (instead of being smooth)= increased amount of brain tissue! Lanugo is starting to disappear.

Symptoms: Cankles are the name of the game, folks. My feet have love handles and it's not cute. Luckily, the swelling goes away at night, so it's mostly a result of being on my feet so much.

What I'm looking forward to: Ben is painting the nursery this weekend! (Can you believe he actually has a weekend off?! I love his new job)

I don't think I should wear white anymore...

Two sticks in each arm

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