April 06, 2012


As Ben was preparing for his last days at the country club, he began bringing home boxes of stuff from his desk, as well as goodbye/thank you cards from members and coworkers. It struck me how long 5 years really is...and what can happen in that time.

In a unique workplace like a private country club, Ben had the opportunity to form relationships with the staff as well as the members. Many of these folks came to our wedding!! I knew I couldn't let these mementos end up sitting in a box in our basement.

Although a shadow box is far from the most creative project, I still think this old standby is a great way to display special items! I put this together in about 10 minutes.

Hobby Lobby Shadow Box (1/2 off=$12!)

All the stuff

Finished product

Ben was very excited to come home and find this in his <new> home office. I know he cherished his time at the country club, so it's nice to have these mementos on display.