May 24, 2012

37 Weeks

Update from doctor this week: I am still 1cm dilated and now 50% effaced but the head has not dropped yet. We are still head down, just not engaged in the pelvis. There are a few things that could cause this:
-Junebug is just not ready...usually the head drops around 38 weeks
-Junebug is really big (great)
-Junebug is in a weird position
I have been asking all of my coworkers for advice on how to get a baby into position, so swimming, pelvic tilts, and a yoga I come!

37 Week Stats:

Size: Winter squash...the doctor estimated about 7.5 pounds right now

New Development: Lots of practice with suck, swallow, breathing (hiccups, anyone?)

Symptoms: I have trouble putting on my own pants...I'm a mess. I have really enjoyed the pool lately (until I have to get out and realize I am not, in fact, weightless).

What I'm looking forward to: Final touches to the nursery, then completely done!

I took this one from the front so you can read the shirt :)
**Please excuse my appearance-I worked today**

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