I almost tricked you, huh?
No, we still don't know the gender of our little bug! Ever since we learned that we were pregnant, and confirmed that we did not want to find out the gender, I have been entertained by all of the Old Wives' Tales surrounding this big mystery.
So, here is what the tales reveal about baby's gender:
1. The Highs & Lows- Belly: If you are carrying high-it's a girl; Low-it's a boy! Most everyone tells me that I am carrying low. So 1 point for Team Blue.
2. Heart Rate- A heart rate of 140 or above= girl; Below 140= boy. Junebug's heart rate has always been in the 150-160s. 1 point for Team Pink.
3. Sweet and Sour- If you are craving sweet stuff, it's a girl. If your cravings are for salty and sour, it's a boy. I am usually a sweets person, but during this pregnancy, I go for all things salty! That's 1 point for Team Blue.
4. Chinese Birth Chart- An ancient birth chart that uses mother's age & month of conception. According to this, we have 1 point for Team Pink.
5. Drano Test- This one is a little strange, and I wasn't going to try it, but for the sake of equality (and a complete blog post), I tried it. Pee in a cup and mix in 1 Tbsp of Drano. Watch for color change. Green=girl; Blue= Boy. Mine was difficult to tell, but I would say it turned more green-ish. 1 point for Team Pink.
6. Even & Odd- This one comes from the Mayans. We look at mother's age at conception, and year of conception. If both are even or odd, it's a girl; If one is even and one is odd, it's a boy. 1 point for Team Pink.
7. The Key- Place a key in front of the Momma-to-be. If she picks it up by the narrow part-girl. If she picks it up by the round part, that's boy. Well, 1 point for Team Pink.
8. Skin- If you are breaking out like crazy, the tale says to blame it on a girl-she "steals" her mother's beauty. At first, my skin looked like a teenager's, but has cleared up quite a bit. Still, overall I would have to give 1 point for Team Pink.
9. Wedding Ring- Tie your wedding ring to a string and hang it over your belly. If it swings back and forth, it's a girl. If it swings in a circle, it's a boy. Mine swung back and forth for sure...that's 1 point for Team Pink.
10. Morning Sickness- If you had/have a lot of nausea during pregnancy, signs point to a girl. Little or no nausea=boy. Definitely 1 point for Team Blue.
Wow! It's looking like girl all the way!
The one thing that this article didn't mention was mother-to-be intuition. I have said from day one (literally...the day I discovered we were expecting) that I think there is a boy in there. I guess we will have to wait and see...2 more weeks(ish)
I have always heard and judged how the belly is being carries the opposite. I really believe there is a boy in there! Good luck and I hope you have a safe delivery!