July 17, 2012

6 Weeks

I still plan on posting monthly updates, but I feel like 6 weeks is such an important milestone that it deserves a post!

Peyton is a lot more social these days! It's amazing how much she can change in just a week. She is perfectly content laying on her Boppy Lounger and staring at me, just studying every part. I love that I can now soothe her by talking or singing to her, and she has become a lot more interested in toys.

We are learning more and more every day

I love my new playmat!

"Sometimes, I've just had enough!"

...but most of the time I'm all smiles!

...unless Mommy forgets to take the bow off at naptime

Daddy dressed me today...at least it matches!

(Like I said...we are learning!)

I have now learned to LOVE bathtime!

Sweet sleeping girl

Yesterday, I packed away most of her newborn clothes and we had to move up a snap in diapers. It was a sad day for me, but it makes me feel good that she is growing strong!

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