November 16, 2012

Dining Room Makeover

I really thought that our dining room would be last on our list of projects for the home...I mean, we have a perfectly good kitchen table, and who really uses their dining room anyway?

Well, after deciding to host a party and family Thanksgiving at our home this year, Ben and I agreed that it was a good time for a dining room makeover.

We had NO furniture in here, and this room was full of overflow junk from other rooms (seriously, how did we acquire this much stuff?!)

 Before we moved in!

...and after a year

I knew I wanted a purple dining room, so we picked up a couple of paint samples from Lowe's and I chose right away! Aren't you proud?!
We went with the one on the left- Olympic Silverado

I figured I could get away with a deep/rich color in this room because there is very little actual wall space. We have chair railing in here, plus a large entry and two windows. I am SO pleased with how this color turned out!

 Now, time to add some furniture! We chose a set that I love more and more every day! We went with a counter-height set, and although I wavered on this for a while, I'm glad we chose it. I think it brings a bit of 'modern' to the room. 

Clearly, I still have a lot of decorating to do in this room, but the bulk of the work is done and I can take my time picking out special items as I see them. 

Now I have a dining room that's ready for a family Thanksgiving!

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