December 10, 2012

Six Months

It is hard to believe that we have already reached this milestone. Half a year has flown by! Peyton has experienced a lot of 'firsts' in the last month-her little world is changing quite a bit. Our easygoing baby has adapted to all of it-and continues to be the happiest baby!

6 months old!

Eating: On average, I will say about every 4 hours

Sleeping: Overall, Peyton is an excellent sleeper. I have focused so much research on the importance of healthy sleep for babies, and I think we're doing pretty good.
-No more 30 minute naps! P typically naps for over an hour!
-Nights are a different story...Peyton still wakes up randomly. She's not hungry, and I don't think she even wants company. I honestly believe that she wakes up in between sleep cycles and just can't get herself back to sleep on her own. I replace her pacifier and "re-swaddle" her, and before I get back to my bed, she's asleep again. This can occur up to 3 times a night though...I'm exhausted! Once again, I'm just not ready to let her CIO.

Favorite Toys: A soft caterpillar toy (from The Hungry Caterpillar) and anything she's not supposed to phone, the remote, her socks, her diapers, straws, get the idea!

Skills: Although P is not yet sitting up on her own, she likes to sit unassisted in my lap, and lean over to grab things. Her fine motor skills are still quite impressive, and we started working with her on Baby Signs this week! Our starter words are: Mommy, Daddy, Water, Milk, and More. I can't wait to see her signing!

Happy Times: Peyton still likes her jumperoo, but her favorite thing is to be out of the house. Running errands, taking a walk, visiting friends/family-in the stroller or Moby wrap-she just loves to see it all!

Unhappy Times: Tummy time is still a challenge for us. I don't think she will ever crawl! Getting dressed/a diaper change can sometimes turn into an issue. She prefers to be nude!

1 month-6 months

Stats: 16 lb 14 oz (75%) and 26.9 inches (90%) 
Peyton has almost outgrown all 6 month clothes and wears mostly 6-9 and 12 month (depending on brand of course!)

Peyton Caroline,
It's hard to believe that half a year has already passed since you came into our world, changing it forever. We can't even remember life without you...nor do we want to! It's so much fun to see your face light up when we walk into a room, and we hope you continue to adore us even in your teenage years (yeah right!) 
We love you to the moon and back.
Momma and Daddy


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